Friday, February 2, 2007

A few of my favorite things, part deux

Random, random thoughts, inspired by Alissa's "Six Weird Things About Me," making the blogging circuit. I wasn't tagged, so I feel obliged to pass on the warm fuzzies, but with a little variation of my own, entitled, "A few of my favorite things," which I should warn you, are actually more than a few:

1. lukas, my nephew - cutest, most precious boy in the world. (no, i'm not biased)

2. sushi, all kinds.

3. new york city.

4. whole milk.

5. puns. bad ones. and corny jokes - the worse, the better.

6. rapping. yes, out loud.

...and last but not least...

7. green peas. I have an inordinate affection for green peas. not world peas, green peas. (remember, I love puns.)

there you have it.

this is all prelude to something that caught my eye on the blogs listed below, titled, "Six Weird Things About Me." I have yet to come up with interesting ones of my own, but I liked the flavor of these below (from several different individuals, mind you):


1. I strongly dislike most cheeses, unless they’re melted and on things like pizza and grilled cheese sandwiches. This puts me in a weird place with all my cultured friends (cheese, bread, and wine, right?), but the stuff makes me gag.

2. Similar situation with milk. I positively cannot drink milk from a glass. Disgusting.

3. When I was a kid, I used to dip my hands in those little plates of Elmer’s glue they’d have at art class and let it dry so I could peel it off. I still have to keep myself from peeling off scabs.

4. I have never seen Titanic.


*Josh*(tagged, by Alissa)

1. I pray a lot- Every morning I pray before I get out of bed. Then again when I leave the house. Then at work before it starts. Then at lunch time. Then when I get home (usually for 30 min to an hour). Then again before bed. And of course, any other times that I deem necessary throughout the day.

2. There has never been a time in my life when I haven’t wanted to be married- This may not be so weird for some but I know it will be for others. I’ve never so valued singledom that I’d prefer it to marriage. When I was sixteen I actually thought I was going to marry the girl I dated in high school. That’s a true story. Even as a young boy I dreamed of the day I’d be all grown-up with a wife of my own, despite my father’s warnings against the ball-and-chain of marriage. Alas, I’m still dreaming.


Neat, eh? Sorry if I've embarrassed anyone (including myself). May fall in the category of my favorite habit, a potential #8, divulging TMI.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well written article.