Monday, May 7, 2007

My prayer

Dear Lord,

I thank you for clearing away the cobwebs and taking away the dross, for leading me out of darkness into your light, for showing me that the reality that was, is nothing compared to the reality that is to come. I thank you for answering my prayers in amazing and providential ways. You have provided more than enough for me, in every way. I trust you with my whole heart.

I want, so much, for you to be the center of my life, Lord. I want so much, for my heart to cleave to yours. I know that through all the trials and difficulties you have placed in my path, all have been set there to humble me and allow me to be refined as by fire; to see how weak and desperate I am without you. To see how fallen and sinful I am without your amazing grace.

Thank you for the cross. Thank you for dying for me and giving your life for me. Help me never to turn my back to you. Please do not take your Holy Spirit away from me. Show me your way and guide me to life everlasting.

This I pray, in Jesus name.


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