Monday, April 7, 2008

Why I like the Flu

So...I finally caught what everyone else seems to have caught the past few months - the flu. It sucks, no doubt. But one nice thing about being sick is that you have an excuse to lay on your back and watch movies...which is exactly what I have been doing the past few evenings. (Sorry big D - the new name I've given my fickle boyfriend, the dissertation).

Two titles that jumped out at me on the DVD rack - Shopgirl and Juno. Won't bore you with an analysis of my reading of the movies, but let's just say it's uncanny how two totally different characters in each of these movies made me feel more like me. Or rather, reminded me of me...and they both dealt with issues that I've struggled with...such as:: oohhh time for personal revelation to cyberspace stalkers:: a) healing from a past relationship that totally is reflected in Shopgirl - except that the characters are all a lot nicer and have more integrity in the movie than in real life. b) that endless search for the real deal - check! - which i still believe exists in the shape of a soul mate. c) the idea of being quirky.spunky.different.real which is why I liked Juno - her character - so much. She just *is* and it's so refreshing to watch.

Btw, does it say something that Allison Janney the actress who plays Juno's stepmom in the movie is one of my alltime favorite actresses - mainly because she often plays who she really is (see West Wing for a good dose) - which at a gut level - I just darn LIKE and am - and aspire to, real, hardnosed - but soft deep down with a confidence and edge that throws you off guard and makes you smile at the same time...difficult to put into words.

Anyway, let's just say being sick and watching movies (like these) really ain't all that bad.


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Sue Nahm said...

Thanks, perfume! Appreciate that. I often wonder if anyone is really reading this stuff...but will try to write more.